To be eligible to apply for the scholarship an applicant must:
be entered for a Year 13 senior school examination (for example, NCEA Level 3, Cambridge International Examinations, International Baccalaureate. etc.) in the year of application.
have a record of achievement sufficient to satisfy the academic criteria for entry to Cambridge University and Gonville and Caius College.
be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
have completed their five years of secondary schooling in New Zealand.
Value and tenure
The scholarship provides tuition fees and a living allowance for the successful applicant, to enable them to take up a place at Gonville and Caius College at Cambridge University, in the year following application.
The scholarship will normally be held for the duration of the scholar’s undergraduate course, provided that the scholar continues to make satisfactory progress with his or her studies. (Extensions of the award may be made if there is reasonable justification).
The scholarship is available for students of all courses except Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Law.
The scholarship may be held concurrently with any other bursary or scholarship, provided that the rules of the other award allow this. The scholarship must be taken up the year following when it is awarded.
Applications must be made through the Universities NZ online scholarship application system https://universitiesnz.communityforce.com/Login.aspx
The closing date is 1 August.
The on-line application form will request, and applicants must provide:
a statement listing activities and achievements under the following headings: Academic, Positions of Responsibility, Sporting, Cultural, and Community.
a statement, limited to 300 words, outlining their reasons for wishing to study at Cambridge University, and their proposed course of study; a statement, limited to 500 words, outlining where they see themselves in 10 years’ time.
the names of two referees: one referee must be a person able to comment on the applicant’s academic achievements, interests, and abilities; the other referee must be a person able to comment on the applicant’s participation and achievements in extra-curricular activities.
proof of their New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency
Course choice
It is expected that applicants will have researched their chosen course of study and will have a firm idea of their degree programme. Applicants must ensure that they meet any subject requirements stipulated by Cambridge University for the course for which they are applying.
Examination Results
Within the application, applicants will be required to upload their latest NZQA Record of Achievement (listing all NCEA / New Zealand Scholarship results), and any IB or CIE examinations results.
Course Choice and Subject Requirements
It is expected that applicants will have researched their chosen course of study and will have a firm idea of their degree programme. Applicants must ensure that they meet any subject requirements stipulated by Cambridge University for the course for which they are applying.
The scholarship is awarded by the Myers Family on the recommendation of a Selection Committee appointed by the family.
In making their recommendation, the Selection Committee will have regard not only to the academic ability of the applicants, but also to other factors such as character, qualities of leadership, contribution to cultural and/or sporting activities, intention to bring back benefits from the scholarship to New Zealand, their ambassadorial qualities, and the referees’ reports.
The Selection Committee’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into following the selection meeting.
If, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, no applicant of sufficient merit has applied for the award in any year, then the award will not be offered in that year.
The scholarship will not be awarded to anyone who has not attended an in- person interview with the Selection Committee, or who has not been successful in their application for admission to Cambridge.
Post Selection Requirements
The candidate provisionally selected by the Selection Committee will need to apply for admission to Cambridge and Gonville & Caius via UCAS by the deadline for International Students and be successful in their application for admission. https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/applying.
If the selected candidate is unsuccessful in their UCAS application for admission, he/she will not be awarded the scholarship.
Admissions decisions at Cambridge University are based solely on academic criteria. The successful candidate must therefore demonstrate a record of academic achievement and subject engagement sufficient to meet the requirements of Cambridge University. Guidance is provided at https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/international-students
All holders of a scholarship will make annual reports on the progress of their studies to Universities NZ.
Universities NZ will send a copy of the scholars’ reports to members of the Selection Committee.
If the scholar returns to New Zealand for a visit during their studies, then they are required to contact the Chairperson of the Selection Committee (via Universities NZ) to provide an update on the progress of their studies.
All holders of a scholarship give their permission for their termly Academic Reports from Gonville and Caius to be released to Universities NZ and included with their personal reports to the Myers Scholarship Selection Committee.
The successful candidate will agree to have their name and photo published and be available for interviews with the media if required.
Suspension or termination
Universities NZ may at any time suspend or terminate any scholarship or require the forfeiture of such proportion of the scholarship as the Selection Committee may determine, if it is satisfied that the scholar is not diligently pursuing the approved programme or has failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions on which the scholarship was awarded.
The scholarship will be terminated and no further benefits granted if a scholar ceases to pursue the approved programme of study.
The Selection Committee may, if it thinks fit, relax or modify the application of any of these regulations in any special circumstances or to avoid hardship to any scholar or applicant.